Archive for September, 2012

random stuff

I have a lot of it. I seriously hope this beach trip will help relieve some of it.

In other news, Cora was diagnosed with an ear infection Saturday morning. It was said to be the early stages. Thank GOD it wasn’t worse than that because I don’t know if we could’ve handled letting it get 2 more days ahead of us. I think she is almost better now. She just has a really snotty nose now, and that’s pretty gross.

I am super pumped that Trey Hill is officially a Trinity UMC employee as of today. Our music at Contact (not to mention the sermons and services in general) is excellent now. It’s all been out of this world lately. One might even say – heavenly. tee hee

I met a new couple at our picnic after church Sunday, and they have great potential to be new friends. She is pregnant, wants to do cloth diapers, has short hair and a nose ring – NOWHERE NEAR AS COOL AS SHEENA, THOUGH – and they said they were “musical” – I don’t know what they do yet, but we’ll see. They’re neat, and I will talk to them again.

Cora is so close to crawling! She also has 2 teeth now even though they’re not in all the way.

I got my new camera in the mail yesterday! I am wondering if someone stole it before. I can’t think much about the camera being gone because I’ll cry. It’s full of every picture I’ve taken since I found out I was pregnant. Even though almost, if not all, the pics are on my camera, it just seems sad to not have them anymore. Hopefully, it will still turn up.

Publix’s dulce de leche ice cream is THE BOMB.

deets list


-woke up too early after basically not sleeping again last night
-Brian made delicious biscuits for breakfast as usual. I had mine with honey. I will have another tomorrow!
-played with Cora
-tried to nap, but it didn’t go well
-cleaned some
-Brian installed Cora’s new carseat. I’m excited!
-went to Artwalk with Brian & Cora. We missed a lot of stuff apparently because we’re morons, but I’m okay with that. We’ll try again next year! I bought a piece of art for Cora’s room, and the artist happened to be someone I recognized from another event earlier this year, so we chatted a while! We’re buds now in my head.
-successfully wore Cora during our whole outing. Thank you, Jesus, for letting her like to be worn now.
-dinner at Tecate, the best Mexican restaurant around our house
-folded lots of laundry
-wrestled with a crying baby for a really long time because she didn’t want to nap
-waiting to feed said baby before I go to bed because she wouldn’t eat much today, so I know this sleep won’t last.


24 hours

In the last 24 hours:

I went to my first parent meeting of any kind – Cora’s PDO (Parents’ Day Out) orientation meeting.

Cora’s first tooth made an appearance!

Cora went to PDO for the first time!

Cora’s big girl car seat was delivered.

What is happening?!?! 🙂